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Categorizing and publishing photos  (C001)

After you upload photos to the website, they are temporarily placed in your briefcase as hidden files. At this stage they are accessible by O-Line-Photos administrators only. This is done pending evaluation of your photos by the O-Line-Photos administrators. After evaluation and approval the photos that have been approved are made visible and accessible to you in your briefcase. However these photos are not yet published.

To publish your photos you must first provide them with additional information (categorize them).

Categorize and publish your photos by doing the following:
1) Go to your briefcase. (on the main menu: “MY ACCOUNT” then go to “MY BRIEFCASE” )
    In the “My Briefcase” overview you will see all of your uploaded photos that have been approved.
2) Click on the photo that you want to publish. This will open a photo detail where you can provide
    the photo with additional information.
3) Provide the photo with: title, category, description and keywords.
(tip: using keywords in multiple
      languages would improve search results for you images)

4) Finally click on submit. Your photo is now published on the website. By using keywords you provided
    in the search option, or by selecting the category you provided you can find your image on the


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